How to buy
Sign up
If you are a retailer or a professional in the Home and Garden sector, register in the Chöon Community: create your user account and you will be able to see reduced rates, create your own collections, download marketing material and much more.
Fill out the form and in less than 24 hours we will approve your
Select your factory
Each order is linked to a single factory. We have selected factories that have a wide variety of products and that work with a variety of materials to enrich your orders.
To start buying you must first choose the type of product you want for your order.
Choose how to buy
The minimum order is one container per factory.
You decide if you want to make a one-time purchase, creating your own collection; If you prefer to purchase the order with other buyers in the Chöon Community; or if you opt for containers preconfigured by our design team.
Create your collection
Once you have selected the factory you want
work, only your products will be displayed. You will receive messages to guide you throughout the purchasing process.
Remember to check the fill percentage bar of the
container until it reaches 100%, and if you have any questions, write to us.
Your order in progress
Remember that the price includes door-to-door service, transportation included, no surprises. When you have
completed your container(s), fill in your information in the cart so we can process your order.
For single orders, 30% will be paid in advance to start production; the remaining 70% before the merchandise leaves the factory. If you share a container, 100% is paid after order confirmation.